Wednesday 16 November 2011

Day Three - Have you shifted that coke tin yet?

Day Three, have I had a fruitful day?

I would like to say yes....but I can't.

I have been busy tweeting lots of people, and I got a couple of retweets thanks to the cool guys at  @BusinessZone, @facilitatorkent and @TheBusinessShow. And not forgetting my fellow SuperSeed and Your Big Year competitor @yummyowls.

@yummyowls aka Anna is doing great with her challenge and she is my inspiration to keep trying. Anna has already traded her seed up three times! We need to catch up and overtake her!

So I still have this amazing retro coke tin. Who wouldn't want one?
If you know someone who does want one why not trade with me and be nice and give it to them! You know you want to!

If you want to trade just comment below or email me at

Hopefully tomorrows update will have some better news!