Sunday 20 November 2011

Days Six and Seven - Any trades?

Days Six and Seven - Any trades over the weekend?

I have been hard at work this weekend, unfortunately not on my trades! Well I have to earn money too!

That''s not to say I haven't been working on the SuperSeed Challenge. I have still been hard at work on the twittersphere and I have messaged a few local businesses. Lets hope my efforts will be fruitful!

But I only have three weeks of my challenge left! gigitjari I had better get a wriggle on if I am going to get some more trades hadn't I! Fear not oh great blog followers, I will be out and about this coming week canvassing all those lovely local shop owners. We have some amazingly charitable people around us, its just a case of finding them! Don't fret! I will search high and low for these amazing people and show the world their awesomeness!!

So no news here, I still have my awesome toys up for grabs! You know the drill by now, if you fancy trading with me let me know but commenting below, or by emailing my super awesome SuperSeed Challenge email address at Remember to pass my details on to anyone who may like to trade with me. sengihnampakgigi