Sunday 27 November 2011

Day Thirteen- anything new?

Day Thirteen, it's unlucky for some. Was it unlucky for me?

.....yes today was unlucky. I still have me toys to trade :(

Two weeks in and I am stuck on trade number two, where are all these amazingly charitable people?

They are hiding and I must find them!

I have been slack recently with my trade requests but I will step up and start nagging people again!

Something good has happened though!

My story was published in the local paper on Friday!

This is brilliant and hopefully someone who wants these toys will read the article and get in touch!

If you would like to get in touch with mr please either leave a comment below or email me at

Hopefully my next post will have some better news! :D

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Days Eight and Nine - Got rid of those toys yet?

Days 8 and 9. It has been over a week since this challenge started! And what a week!

I received the toys in the post the other day and have posted off the coke tin to The Entertainer. Bye bye coke tin! babai
It was great fun opening the big parcel!

Still no one has traded with me yet. These are such great toys though so I am not worried. I have just under three weeks to get some more trades and I will get there!

Hopefully my story will be published in the local paper and some lovely business person will trade with me!

I have had a couple of interested people but no one has taken the bait yet!

Soooooo, If you know someone who wants to trade, get them to give me an email at

Sunday 20 November 2011

Days Six and Seven - Any trades?

Days Six and Seven - Any trades over the weekend?

I have been hard at work this weekend, unfortunately not on my trades! Well I have to earn money too!

That''s not to say I haven't been working on the SuperSeed Challenge. I have still been hard at work on the twittersphere and I have messaged a few local businesses. Lets hope my efforts will be fruitful!

But I only have three weeks of my challenge left! gigitjari I had better get a wriggle on if I am going to get some more trades hadn't I! Fear not oh great blog followers, I will be out and about this coming week canvassing all those lovely local shop owners. We have some amazingly charitable people around us, its just a case of finding them! Don't fret! I will search high and low for these amazing people and show the world their awesomeness!!

So no news here, I still have my awesome toys up for grabs! You know the drill by now, if you fancy trading with me let me know but commenting below, or by emailing my super awesome SuperSeed Challenge email address at Remember to pass my details on to anyone who may like to trade with me. sengihnampakgigi

Friday 18 November 2011

Day Five - Surely you have traded today?

Day Five.

Has it been a sucessful day?
Thats a good question.
A very good question.

The answer is......YES!

You thought I was going to say no didn't you! Oh ye of little faith!

I made an awesome trade today. Actually, not awesome, super awesome.

Do you want to know who I traded with? You do don't you!

I traded with the amazing guys at The Entertainer.

You've heard of The Entertainer right? It's only the best toy shop ever! It's my brothers favourite toy shop so it must be good! They even have a twitter account! It's @EntertainerToys if you fancy giving them a follow.

I contacted The Entertainer not expecting a reply back. Well, they are a huge chain (They are the UK's number one independent toy retailer!) and they wouldn't have time for this challenge would they? But I thought it was worth a shot. And boy am I glad I gave it a shot!

Dan from The Entertainer was great, we were emailing yesterday and when I looked in my inbox today I had an email.
It said '....Lets Trade!'
How great is that!!

Do you want to know what I got for my amazing retro coke tin?

I got all this!

Just in case you are not a child or you know no children, here is a list of everthing in the picture:

  • A complete set of Club Penguin Trading Cards
  • A complete set of Champions League Trading Cards (2010/11)
  • Ben 10 Inflatable Sofa
  • Star Wars Force Attax Collectors Tin
  •  Moshi Monster Tattoos
  •  Moshi Monster sticker sheet

I couldn't think of anything better to get for my cool retro coke tin! I will be sad to let the coke tin go but I know it is going to a good home!

I wonder if those people at Kent Life would like to make me an offer now?

Do you know anyone who would like to trade me for these items, or maybe you would like to trade with me? Please get in touch by commenting below or by emailing me at

Thursday 17 November 2011

Day 4 - Did you make any trades today?

Day Four, have I managed to get something awesome for my coke tin?

That's a good question. It really is.

The answer is........not yet.

I know I know, I had better get a wriggle on if I am going to get more trades by my December 12th deadline.

Today wasn't a complete washout though. I have someone very interested in trading with me!

I am going to keep it hush hush until I find out if they want to trade, but it should be good if they decided to trade with me. I should hopefully find out tomorrow!!

Also, I heard back from my reporter friend (they are now my friend after we spoke on the phone for five minutes!) and they sent a photographer round to take my photo with my (now my mums) seed! That was pretty good right? Getting the media involved in the first week has got to be a good sign doesn't it! Especially once I complete my second trade from the super people I was talking to today, as I said it is hush hush until I find out for sure.

So it has actually been a good day, no trades but connections are being made and hopefully there will be a snowball effect, here's hoping anyway!

You should know the drill by now but for all those newbies if you want to get in contact about my challenge or to trade with me just leave a comment or email me at

In the meantime, here is a rather special video from our friends at The Moringa Tree. Enjoy!

The Moringa Tree from The Moringa Tree on Vimeo.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Day Three - Have you shifted that coke tin yet?

Day Three, have I had a fruitful day?

I would like to say yes....but I can't.

I have been busy tweeting lots of people, and I got a couple of retweets thanks to the cool guys at  @BusinessZone, @facilitatorkent and @TheBusinessShow. And not forgetting my fellow SuperSeed and Your Big Year competitor @yummyowls.

@yummyowls aka Anna is doing great with her challenge and she is my inspiration to keep trying. Anna has already traded her seed up three times! We need to catch up and overtake her!

So I still have this amazing retro coke tin. Who wouldn't want one?
If you know someone who does want one why not trade with me and be nice and give it to them! You know you want to!

If you want to trade just comment below or email me at

Hopefully tomorrows update will have some better news!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Day 2 - Have you shifted that seed yet?

Today is day two.

Day one was not as successful as I had hoped. Was day two any better? Kinda

Why kinda?

Well, I had some interest in my seed. I was flooding twitter with my trade requests, hoping someone would take me up. I'm @H-Judith by the way!

Well the fab guys at Kent Life (@Kent_Life) were really interested in my trading challenge. But they seem to have something good up their sleeves. They don't want to trade with me.......yet! Apparently they have something in mind for when I have something bigger and better to trade.

 I really want to see what they have in mind, don't you?

My mum really wants to see what they have too, so much that she traded with me! Mums are great aren't they? My mum is great for many reasons, trading with me being just one of them!

Here is my mums new Moringa seed! I don't know what she will do with it, but I have an inkling she is saving it to flick at me when I least expect it. What have I let myself in for??

So I did get a trade today, even if it is a bit of a cheat trade. I think trading with your mum counts as a cheat trade but if it gets the ball rolling I'm all for it.

What did I get I hear you say? Its something pretty cool even if I do say so myself.
I'm actually pretty chuffed with my trade.

This is what I got!

 Looks pretty cool right?

Can you tell what it is?

 Still not sure??

Its a Coca-Cola tin of course!! How great is that! So from one Moringa seed I now have one funky 'retro' Coca-Cola tin!!

So what can you do with a retro Coca-Cola tin I hear you ask.

You could.....

  • Store you cola bottle sweets in it

  • Hide money in it

  • Put your secrets inside

  • Put your lunch inside (if you make coke bottle shaped sandwiches!)

Now I need to trade this awesome retro Coca-Cola tin. Would you like a retro Coca-Cola tin? You would wouldn't you! I might even be super awesome and put some cola bottle sweets inside, I am just that nice!

Then trade with me! Contact me at or comment below. I really really want to see what Kent Life have to offer!

ps, the SuperSeed people are pretty awesome by the way. As well as sending me my Moringa seed they also sent me a Drumstick! No, not a drumstick you play drums with. One drumstick you play drums with would be rather useless to a non drum playing person like myself. No, it was the sweet Drumstick! And I was super awesome enough to give that to my mum in the trade along with the Moringa seed! (Drumsticks are her favourite sweet so she was chuffed!)
Here is the drumstick!